Ballet — All levels of expertise — Created for Contemporary Dancers
Modern Dance — All levels of expertise
Composition — All levels of dance experience
Contemporary Repertory — All levels of expertise
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floor Work + Enhanced Barre + Surprises Optional Floorwork begins 10 minutes before start times listed below SUNDAY at 9am TUESDAY • THURSDAY at 8:30am WEDNESDAY at 8:30am -- Beginning Ballet
- - - - NOTE: Floorwork begins about 10minutes before we transit to the barre at the times listed above. Some folks will prefer to join just as we go to the barre, but I do recommend logging onto zoom to do some stretching to get ready, even if you do not do the exact exercises that I am doing.
The floor work really helped me to navigate the new physicality of the pandemic, so I would like to keep that as part of the readiness for bigger movement. As usual, some folks will join in, and some will log on and sip coffee till the barre work begins.
Enhanced Barre — I have new material along with a shout-out to some material that you know very well. Our first few classes will be meticulous so we can learn the new sections. And then, just as before, we will be able to dance for longer periods of time because the opening sequences are set.
You will be able to move around at the barre (or the kitchen counter) as we have always done. I promise you will work hard and get to move — some of you have already figured that out for your personal spaces! We will even venture away from the barre/furniture and see what space allows.
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The zoom link is the same, but here it is again for your convenience:
Meeting ID: 675 030 198 Passcode: 369324 One tap mobile +16699006833,,675030198#,,,,*369324# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,675030198#,,,,*369324# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 675 030 198 Passcode: 369324 Find your local number:
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Best way to pay for classes: Venmo — some of you are already doing this, and it is my preferred method. @JoanLazarus-Dobkowski
Suggested donation: $5 per 30 minutes. (If you take the entire class, that’s $10.) I anticipate that some folks will have to run to work or family commitments, the material may be progressively more difficult for less experienced dancers, or you just aren’t interested in the opening floor work. Make it work for you — as material and cost.
NEW! Absolutely Beginning Dancers! This is especially for you. A video of the first 15 minutes of our Zoom classes, recorded on Sunday, April 19th. We did it!
Topic: Ballet with Joan Lazarus Date: Apr 19, 2020 07:56 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Modern Dancers And one more thing to add for the modern dancers among you . . . Here is the link to the advanced modern dance floorwork, featuring Jane Schnorrenberg, Anna Dal Pino, and yours truly. Enjoy!
If we learn the 8 body positions and pas de bourrée, we will know 40% of ballet! So, the Absolutely Beginning dancers, get ready to focus on those two areas in the next few classes. Here’s a link to the Beginning Ballet Handbook that is posted on my website:
If you plan to join us at our new studio, and would like to save time on your first day, please download and fill out the REGISTRATION FORM and bring it with you!
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Teaching positions: Mills College . University of Oregon . San Francisco Ballet . Princeton Ballet . The Marin Ballet Institute for Contemporary Dance (Boston) . Dance Circle of Boston . Joy of Movement Center (Boston) Shawl-Anderson Dance Center (Berkeley) . RoCo Dance (Mill Valley) . Oakland Ballet . ODC San Francisco The Academy of Ballet (San Francisco) . Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School & Camp (Steamboat Springs) Master classes nationally